That's when you know you're too busy and there too many tasks on your multi-tasking calendar because for some reason I wrote the above statement on the side of a letter I was reading... right next to "be sure to include in a short bio."
I remember what that statement was about - I recently found out that I was selected for a Ford Foundation fellowship (YAY! More on that application process coming soon) and I needed to make sure to include that in my bio. Grad school - heck all of it - heck even life is sort of a constant revision and update of your CV. The other day someone said to me "you know Deans, they have CVs that are like 50 pages long!" and I thought "why?" Apparently, it's a thing. My CV is growing. Hence (yes I said hence...) I must add into my bio that I am a Ford Fellow, little old me... And for some reason I also need to remind myself of something or someone that is lethargic with a history of vomiting. Who knows what it had to do with (I don't, quite honestly, cause my brain is filled with, well at the moment - orange chicken and the reading I need to finish by tomorrow). But I feel like it could make a really good prompt for a short story... More to add to my list of things to do...
About This Blog:This is the stuff I do to survive Graduate School.
It's also other stuff I do in life. My life is mostly Graduate School. AuthorCutcha RIsling Baldy is a PhD Candidate in Native American Studies at UC Davis. Archives
May 2014