People Magazine and The Voice made some kind of deal with the Devil where the Devil was like "hey, you will convince the world that The Voice coaches are the sexiest men alive." Because that's two out of two current Voice coaches who were named sexiest men alive (and none of them are Pharrell). Exhibit A: 2013 Exhibit B: Today. 2017. People Magazine is trying to convince me that these two dudes from The Voice are the sexiest men alive. But this is not a blog to drag People Magazine and their (often very white) list of sexiest men alive. Even though... Exhibit C: This is not even a blog entry to throw side eye at Blake Shelton who has a history of racism and homophobia (unapologetic racism and homophobia). This is not even a blog entry where I'm just going to write: BUT BUT IDRIS ELBA... over and over again until my hand cramps. There are several think pieces about "men of color who could also be sexiest man alive" because... apparently People Magazine still hasn't gotten the memo. So I'm not going to do that either. I'm just going to use this blog entry as a way to say "I don't depend on People Magazine to tell me who the sexiest men alive are because People Magazine don't know." And also "hey guess what it's high time we had some Indigenous men appreciation because we were here first, so we've been sexiest men-ing alive this place since year 1." So here is my list of "Five Indigenous Sexiest Men Alive" that may not be on the cover of People Magazine but are quite rightly on the cover of this blog. Obvious answer is obvious. If Taika Waititi (Maori) isn't the sexiest man alive this year then what is even the point of any of this - life, breathing... any of it? This year Waititi did many sexy things - like he made Thor relevant, and he actually made me go to the movies with my family and not once wish that I had stayed home to watch something on Netflix. He's a director, an actor, and basically if you don't know who he is by now you best watch this, this and this and then COME CORRECT. #GIVEHIMTHECOVEROFALLMAGAZINES
I could do this all day. Don't get me started on the amazing Native activists who are protecting our environment for future generations. Or even some of the super awesome Indigenous academics who are disrupting settler colonialism. That would be a fun list. "Allow me to objectify a bunch of Indigenous men academics, all in the name of shaming People Magazine of course (of course)." With my luck it would go all kinds of viral and then suddenly I'm expected to include it in my tenure file.
Point? That point is that People Magazine just farted this issue out didn't they? They just went to work and were all "okay, let's see, we haven't done a coach on The Voice in like a few years. Let's go with that." And if Taika Waititi isn't the sexiest man alive this year THEN WHAT IS EVEN LIFE?
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AuthorCutcha Risling Baldy is an Associate Professor and Department Chair of Native American Studies at Humboldt State University. She received her PhD in Native American Studies from the University of California, Davis. She is also a writer, mother, volunteer Executive Director for the Native Women's Collective and is currently re-watching My Name is Earl... (5) Top PostsOn telling Native people to just "get over it" or why I teach about the Walking Dead in my Native Studies classes... *Spoiler Alert!*
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June 2020